This blog is called Jackel Journeys, but I feel I have been doing a very poor job keeping up with all the journeying we've been doing. Traveling a lot is an under statement for the past few months. Its been a lot of fun, along with challenging as well. We have been EXTREMELY thankful for our
Burn Tribe, where a consistent group of core people are committed to seeing people hearts ignite with a firey love for the Lord and a passion for His presence.
~ Some of our Burn Fam ~

The two oldest girls have only gone a half of the trips, while the baby, Arista, has been on all them. By the time we hit January, when we go to
Israel, she would have been on 5 missions' trips since being born (she's only 4 months old!). There is an incredible amount of grace upon our lives right now to obey God with everything we have.
So I'm committed to staying connected in this blog with our travels. The more we've been connecting with people and seeing others jump on board both physically and in spirit, prayerfully and financially with us, we want to be able to share the experiences, break-throughs, encounters and even challenges we have had along the way. What makes the pilgrimage a glorious journey?! That what this blog is about :^D
Our last trip was DETRIOT, where we went to
The CALL and ministered at both
Life in Christ Fellowship and
Blue Water Christian. Check out what we taught
HERE! It's a powerful message and a "now" word for the Body of Christ. In the evening we set ablaze in worship and intercession, desperate for more of His presence and for strategy for God to revive the Blue Water area with His heart and to see complete radical love pouring out of His Bride.

Everywhere we go we are meeting other believers who are praying and seeking God with all they have to see Him move and shake their city for His purpose. It's so encouraging seeing so many like-hearted, like-minded people, seeking after the same things. We even met a young family with three young boys who sold everything, bought an RV, and hit the road as the Lord leads. And they're inspiring other families to do the same! God is not asking for luke-warm, He is asking us for all. I've never seen children talk about Jesus the way these three young boys did! I was inspired, challenged and encouraged all together!