
Saturday, January 21, 2012

overcome by presence....

It’s hard to describe glory! In fact it’s almost impossible. If God’s ways are higher than our ways how does one articulate glory! When His presence comes everything is caught up in a swirl of love, wonder, awe, thankfulness, anticipation, suspense, and power. Before you know it you get plowed by His spirit because you’re laughing, shouting, crying, and trembling all at once. What brings this... incredible array of heaven? Is it music? Song, melody, heart, rhythm, and harmony being the vehicle of heavenly joy. Maybe it’s our prayers. Supplication, thanksgiving, petitioning, decreeing, interceding and groaning attracting the heart of God. Nevertheless a broken heart and a contrite spirit He does not despise. This is the extent of what our senses perceived in that prayer room. And this is just a taste of even greater things to come.

Leaving the House of Prayer we made our way into the Upper Room. Wow! I’ll never forget the acoustics in this place. Spontaneous praise broke out as our hearts were flooded with love, joy, and goodness. It wasn’t long after when the same thing happened at the pool of Bethsaida. What started off as a single man leading a chorus with a simple chord progression turned into a harmonious choir of worship. Presence was filling the atmosphere and Jesus was drawing all men to Himself.

View from the top of Mount Carmel!!!!

Looking down at the Valley of Jezreel

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Israel, only the beginning

My eyes opened at 5:45. Perfect I have to be up by 6 anyway. I felt wide awake and ready to start my day. I almost did until I realized that it was only 1am in the morning in Israel and the 5:45 on my phone was PM, echoing Eastern Standard Time. To say the least I couldn’t fall back asleep. That’s when a rooster began to crow. Crowing is an understatement. You would think this bird was howling at the moon. However it brought life to the story of when the cock crowed three times after Peter denied his Lord. “Wow, this is crazy” I thought to myself. Israel, Jerusalem, Jet Lack, and Crowing roosters early in the morning. I thought it didn’t get better than this until I heard Muslim prayers and chants bellowing outside my window several hours later. With the atmosphere filled with dark chants of hopelessness my heart began to conceive a cry for the city of Jerusalem.

After a helping of some incredible cheerios we began our journey to the Old City of Jerusalem. Passing through the Damascus gate we made our way to the Wailing Wall. We were going to have to revisit this monumental place seeing that we only had a short window of time to make it through security. Passing through security was more intimidating than customs at the airport. It’s not every day when you observe Israeli and Palestine soldiers caring around machine guns as if they were some type of accessory. This nation is truly in war, I thought to myself. And we were about to ascend to the most fought after piece of land on the face of planet Earth. Our minds can only fathom the spiritual war engaged over this land. Who will occupy the high place? Principalities and spiritual hosts of wickedness or myriads of angels.

Psalm 24 began to resonate in my Spirit. “The Earth is the Lords and the fullness there in. Who may ascend the hill of the Lord, and who may stand in His holy place. He who has clean hands and a pure heart, which has not lift up his soul to an idol.” As we made our ascent sobriety entered my mind. How could it be that the very place that once radiated the glory of God through His temple was now the location of a gold Muslim dome? Even though the dome of the rock was an impressive sight the cry in my heart toward the city of Jerusalem began to grow. The sights, the smells, the views were astonishing on the temple mount. There is much to be said pertaining to the Eastern Gate, the Mt. of Olives and the Kendron Valley but words do such an injustice when God gave us five senses to take in the beauty of what was created. Besides we were on our way now to the City of David.

The city of David was astonishing. Seeing the foundations of David’s palace and being near the ground of where his tabernacle was erected for 33 years was very intriguing. As much as I would have longed to be part of the community of David’s Tabernacle years ago, I looked around and presently saw myself part of an even more glorious company of people. A people living in a better covenant, built upon better promises, experiencing a better out pouring. Oh how the later rains are greater than the former and we were about to experience some of that glory rain as we entered into a House of Prayer that is the closest prayer room to where the original Tabernacle of David was erected. Come On!!! It doesn’t get better than this. I would love to continue to write more, but I feel sleep deprived and once again heaven is waiting for our partnership tomorrow morning.

- Brandon J

Friday, January 13, 2012

Struggling with weight

****************** DAVE POIRIER ****************
Who happens to also be my dad :^) Be inspired!!!

I'm writing this because my daughter (Crystal) suggested that I may be able to help others by gleaming from my experience of dealing with excess weight. I didn’t even realize how much of a weight problem I developed over the years. It was as if I was living in denial. I was just like the frog that boiled to death and didn’t even know it. Put a frog in water, and when the water temperature is increased, ever so slightly, the frog will eventually boil to death without a chirp.

Another thought that comes to mind is when I used to smoke. I would say, “I really like to smoke.” Then one day I realized, I didn’t like it when I first tried it. Funny, the first time I tried a smoke I coughed and hacked through the whole experience. Eventually I turned addict, and denial set in. Slow weight gain can act the same way. Eventually you’re eating your way to an unhealthy lifestyle, and potentially an early grave.

Truth is, I’ve always had a problem with weight and for awhile I kind of controlled it by smoking (curved my appetite). Smoking is a TERRIBLE habit, and it took all I had to give it up. But it's worth it! It was about ten years ago when I quit, and like so many others before me, I began packing on the weight. I gradually put on about 50 lb growing from 190 to 240. In my mid 40’s the doctor put me on blood pressure medication, and most recently was introduced to a C-Pap machine, a unit helping you breath at night. The real issue was keeping my wife up all night with loud snoring, also caused from large deposits of fatty tissue in my nasal and throat passages. Everything was weight related! It was time I woke up from the denial.
(Me, back in the day)
Like the frog or the confident smoker, I didn’t see myself as being THAT overweight. I was blind, looking in the mirror, still seeing myself as if I was in high school. Now that’s funny! Here’s a guy 50 lbs over-weight, approaching 50, and thinks he’s still all that hunk! Then my youngest began to struggle with excess weight. As the years went by, the problem continued to grow and I didn’t know what to do. The situation affects the family dynamics, long with my marriage, and we still struggle with the best approach with what to do. So, we pray……continually.

It was praying and asking on behalf of my daughter when God answered. "Son," He said, "how can you expect anything from your child that's not operating in your own life first?" That’s it! Soon after the Lord spoke this to me, my employer had enlisted Weight Watchers to help employees lose weight. I jumped at the opportunity!

BEFORE and AFTER: Going for a run w/Brandon
So, now I'm 40 lbs (soon to be 50) lighter, off the blood pressure meds, off the C-Pap machine, all after changing my diet! WW is teaching me healthy ways to eat and how to listen to my body's hunger signs. I'm no longer addicted to food. They promote a lower fat, low carbohydrate intake while increasing protein and fiber. Regular exercise is also important (1/2 hour of exercise a day). I didn’t do that right away. So if your new to it, it's ok. I started very gradual, running further and further every week. And now I'm running 6 miles consistently! I never thought I'd be doing that at 50! If I can do it, you can do it too!

If you're struggling with getting healthy I HIGHLY encourage you to begin changing your diet and eating whole foods that are natural and nutrition-dense. This is what your body needs.

WW also introduced me to a varied number of supplements that I found beneficial and take on a regular basis:
  1. Psyllium husk – (2) table spoons every morning – See , or read about it on Dr. OZ.
  2. Chia seeds – Great fiber super supplement, put in all kinds of food, reduces points for yogurt from (2) to (1) point because of the extra fiber. See:
  3. Astaxanthin (10 gm) – (1) a day. Great antioxidant.

2012 brings in a new era at the Poirier household. My wife has embraced most of the new changes and has 110% supported the healthy lifestyle approach (it works best when everyone’s in the same boat). Our general practitioner has given my youngest approval to join WW this year and we find that the new insurance will cover some of the cost. So, here's to a year surrounded by God’s favor (2 Peter 3-11)!! Be blessed!

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