2016 has gone by so fast – it’s hard to believe we are entering into a new year! We are running a marathon (it feels like) as we raise a large family, full of littles, lots of responsibilities, and Brandon continuing his schooling. It can be a bit like Christmas, not quite sure how the day might go, yet filled with great expectation. Everyday is full of beauty, full of love, full of wonder. Our children teach us how to live most days. They are so forgiving, so full of joy, so full of freedom. 2016 was filled with those things for us. Being free to be ourselves, free to be involved, free to b
e fully aware of the beauty around us.
We have taken an assertiveness in our health, doing the best to walk out passionately what we believe. We are living well: exercising (we joined a cross-fit community), eating wholesome, enjoying the eggs from our chickens, raising goats, growing a garden, traveling and learning how to rest when it is needed. We feel truly blessed.

The girls are growing into beautiful little women. Abigail is enjoying ballet, hip hop, jazz, and gymnastics this year! Israel continues to do ballet and tap. Arista is a wild card as she has tried about everything this year and has yet to settle on something she loves. Heidi is your normal crazy toddler who gets into everything, yet she loves to sit for a good book! And Nova is finally walking and talking! Brandon finishes his bachelor’s

program this February. He continues to work as a RN and a massage therapist. Crystal is continuing to offer doula services to help post-partum mothers, homeschools the children, is really involved with church, and is going to India this winter to teach at their Hillside music school!
And this coming year we will be celebrating 10 YEARS OF MARRIAGE!!!!
Thank you family and friends for riding the waves! with us in 2016.
The Jackel Tribe
Life is one big love story isn’t it? Whether it’s the closest friendships you have in your life, or falling in love with your forever partner, or that feeling of holding your child in your arms. Love is what holds the fabric of our lives together. It is the most powerful force in this earth. We got to partake in officiating our first wedding this year for dear friends of ours. It was an honor to be a part of it. In love, there is no record of wrong. 2016 was simple, “love without conditions”– in this is the reward of life. Here’s to love in 2017!.