Awake O North Wind
And come, O South!
Blow upon my garden,
That its spices may flow out.
Let my Beloved come to His garden
and eat its pleasant fruit.
Song of Solomon 4:16
Do you know that you are a garden? And that Jesus desires you to be a "locked garden" a private garden, a "spring enclosed" just for Him? (Song of Solomon 4:12)
Why did God start everything in a garden? Could there possibly be some symbolism of how he views us? Is the Garden of Eden possibly a symbol of God-created fertility?
Genesis 3:10 says, "and Lot lifted his eyes and saw all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere (before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah) like the Garden of the Lord (the Garden of Eden)..."
If we are gardens, then it is His desire that we would be "well watered". But what keeps us a well watered garden?
Is. 58:11 "the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones, you shall be like a watered garden, whose waters do not fail."
The promise is that if we are a watered garden, we will not fail. What will not fail? ....our waters will not fail. Who is the water?
Be married to Jesus:
I can guantee the moment you put your earthly marriage above your marriage with Jesus, you will have marital issues. In fact, marital issues are a direct outflow of marital issues with Jesus.
Are you a locked garden to the Lord? Or are there other things that are taking away your love.
Do you root for Jesus like you root for your football team? or do you think about Him like you think about dinner? Do you care more about what your mother and father think about you than what Jesus thinks? Is your heart (attention) divided? Or do you know who you are and where you are going? Do you have one love you live for, or do you have many lovers?
Jesus will not relent until He has you all! God wants us to be well watered gardens like that of His own! - (like the garden of Eden). He wants us to be the "wife of the Lamb" (Rev. 21:9).
Do you ever wonder why God made man and women the way He did? God always does things a certain way for a purpose. Our earthly marriage between a man and a woman was meant to resemble the image of God. Not just who God is, but also what it looks like when God and man marry and become One. It is His desire, His purpose for us, that we would be made one with Him.
In fact, "Paul of Tarsus used similar imagery elsewhere in his epistles. In his epistle to the Church at Ephesus Paul exhorts the men to love their wives as Christ loved the Church. After further exhortation on marriage, Paul quotes Genesis 2:24, for a man to leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife to become one flesh with her. Paul calls this a mystery because marriage between a man and a woman is a prophetic act of the depth of our relationship with Jesus. This love surpasses our knowledge.[Eph 3:19]" (Wikipedia)
I started this study with Song of Solomon 4:16 because I believe Jesus wants that to be our invitation to Him. And even men can pray this. Just as I see myself as a son of God, so men will have to view themselves as the wife of Christ to inherit the marital blessing with Jesus.

Prayer: Jesus, blow upon my garden just as you blew into Adam and gave Him life. So that its fragrance may go out and people would know of your intimate love. You are my Beloved. Come into my garden and eat. Make me a watered garden, enclosed and locked only to You, my husband.
[To see part 1 of Identity crisis, click here. These are meant to be studies to do on your own time, searching God and the scriptures with your own questions. They're not meant to be quick reads, but more in depth mystery Bible studies....]
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