Halloween weekend: Our Burn Tribe came into Salem, MA this Halloween for one purpose! To show Salem that the power and love of God super-seeds any dark supernatural power outside of Jesus. Welcome to some of the most hardest spiritual warfare yet. We faced great opposition, but we also experienced the supernatural power of God like never before!
Here's an intro to some of things happening in Salem:
Our team didn't know what to expect coming into Salem. we spent a lot of time in prayer the week beforehand, covering ourselves before entering such unknown territory to ourselves. But it really was one of the best trips yet. God brought break-through through many of us individually, as well a group.
We have a friend in Campbridge who feels called to the college campuses there. If you're in the area you should check out there GATHERING times. It's called Journey Church and there a great community of people there.
My highlight was one of the first nights we got there. Our team did a drum circle in the middle of this non-running fountain. We had rain sticks and flags and were just declaring, decreeing and prophesying over Salem's streets. You could feel the shift happening. It was literally exhilarating because you just felt your flesh surrendering and dying so that Jesus could have His inheritance in you! Glory!
Here's where we did dream interpretation, life readings and healing prayers on the streets Halloween night. 100% of those who got prayed for were healed. And When people would ask who our meduim was we would reply Jesus! And He loves you and has a purpose for your life. It was so awesome see how much God loves his people. God loves witches, pagan, warlocks, sorcerers just as much as you and I!
There's a group of believers there from The Gathering who were doing a small teaching on dream interpretation.
We also had worship and intercession happening around the clock at a local church while we were on the streets.
Jamie Dickson, who also over sees the Northeast side of Burn 24-7 lead the group to Salem. Next year they are looking for 300 believers to come and join.
We'll be in again so let us know if your up for the challenge! ;)
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