Hello From The Jackels
We've had a house church in the city now for about 3 years and love for community continues to grow in our hearts. We never knew how the Lord would really move us out in this way. We trusted He would, in His time. 12.4 acres, two houses, over 7,000 sq. feet of living space, 10 bedrooms, 4 kitchens, 7 full baths, and a whole lot of space ready for lovin'!

Covenant Home (our house church in Rochester) is no longer meeting, but we hope to stay in contact with all the people we have fell in love with! Burn Rochester continues to meet monthly in on-going worship and prayer. With the new property the Lord has given us we desire to be a resource to communities, ministries, and other gifted people in the Body of Christ as a way of discipling the nations! As a retreat center and a place birthing community it is our desire to continue to steward all God has bestowed on us as individuals and with those we have networked with. Its really only a larger painter's palette where the Lord can do greater things!
Urban Monesticism is a word we have been throwing around for years, but not really bringing a lot of definition to. Simply we desire to see people live their lives completely for Christ, relevant to the people they are in relationship with. Our desire is to be a monastic (meaning oneness) presence-centered (the experience aspect of being one with Christ) community that lives in radical love. We believe that cultivating intimacy through vertical worship and prayer (intimacy with Jesus), along with understanding the mystery of the Word, and discipling in both a community and individual setting can cultivate a thriving Church representing Christ in the earth today! The supernatural grace-filled life is the normal Christian life available to us.
We envision the Church, walking and doing life together, living radical supernatural lives by the power of the Holy Spirit, b e i n g o f o n e m i n d , worshipping God in all things! (Philippians 2)

QUICK UPDATE: So much has happened since our last newsletter. Brandon has fallen in love with India and the orphanage there. He plans to
return soon in hope to bring a team with him in the future. This is also our first year homeschooling, which has been
tremendous thus far. We feel blessed beyond measure in this season. We are expecting baby girl #4 this March!
With many new exciting things, we often lose sight of these blessings in life. Above all, we feel a grace to lead in love
with our children as we rest and seek The Lord for this coming year. Brandon has a new career as a registered
nurse in a hospital closer to our new home, which has made life easier for us as well. Crystal is now a trained doula and is
currently working towards her DONA doula certification, along with continuing education through the Welton
Academy Supernatural Bible School. She has been asked to lead worship for the school come Spring semester. Abigail,
5, Israel , 3, and Arista, 2, all love their new home! They have adjusted well and are some of the most lively, loving children. They love to create and worship. They often see in the Spirit and have developed such genuine relationships with The Lord. Thank you for your continued love and support this past year.
Brandon and Crystal
Abigail, Israel, Arista and baby Jackel

Congrats on #4! Love the pics of your kids....they are beautiful.