Tuesday, April 19, 2011
my babies
Monday, April 18, 2011
If you didn't get to see my last blog on this topic, check it out!. This is in response to that blog. This is something I have been wondering about and wanted to hear what others think.
This is from the website of PureLife Ministries: (I highly encourage checking out this website, along with Setting Captives Free if you or someone you know is struggling with a sex addiction, infidelity, pornography or sexual fantasies PLEASE, check out these websites....there is freedom.)
The following is a heart-felt letter written by a godly single young man to his sisters in Christ. In it he shares his struggle with immodestly dressed women in church. Eye-opening for sure.
"Dear Sisters in Christ,
I’m 34 years old and single. Up until I was 26, I shamelessly indulged in lust while I outwardly paraded myself around as an upstanding Christian man. But today, because of the blood of Jesus and deep repentance, I am able to say that I am no longer that man. And the work of God’s grace has not only taught me to deny the ungodliness of lustful thoughts, but to go one step further and truly seek to honor you as sisters in my thoughts.
I wish I could write to you and tell you I am able to walk into church without any fear of encountering the temptation to lust anymore; but I can’t. In fact, to be honest, in the past eight years I’ve even decided not to go to church on more than one occasion because I knew I was too weak to face some of the women there.
As I type I can still remember a few times when I actually had to turn around and get on my knees during some of the worship services because I didn’t want to be more captivated with some of the girls on the worship team than with God. There have also been plenty of other times when I had to purposely look at the floor as I walked through the foyer in order to avoid the same thing. Did I not desire to put the ugliness of my past behind me, I would not go to such lengths. But honoring you and my God now means more to me than my own self-indulgence.
Therefore, I hope that what I am about to share will help those of you who dress without any consideration for these things.
You are beautiful; yes. That much I can see without you doing anything to convince me. But please do not entice me to notice you. Is it not enough that God endowed you with the beauty you possess? And that He has made you a gift to your present or future husband? Please help me to rejoice with him rather than tempt me to steal from him.
I understand that the fashion world is becoming more and more revealing, and that it’s increasingly difficult to find attractive clothing that’s modest. But have you considered my weakness as you look at yourself in the dressing room mirror? If you only knew how often the immodest outfits you wear accost me, perhaps you would see yourself differently.
“But you’re responsible for your thoughts, not me,” you might think. Yes, you are right. I must stand before God and own every one of them someday. And were you a woman of the world I would have no grounds on which to make my appeal. But you name the Name of Christ, as I do. And you call me your brother.
My desire is to honor you; yet there are times that you dress as if you wish I wouldn’t. I implore you; please consider these things. I have spoken openly and honestly. But I have endeavored to do so in love, not in criticism.
In Loving Sincerity,
Your Brother in Christ"
And if your a parent, check out this article! Parents, don't dress your girls like tramps!
Friday, April 15, 2011
How did we get here?
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Lentil burgers
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
modesty vs. fashion
Monday, April 11, 2011
ever hurt by the prophetic?
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
my nose told me so

Friday, April 1, 2011
cancer sucks

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