God has specifically placed some things on my heart over some time. Both Brandon and I have had a lot of thought to the things we have embraced as our "call". Now I know in my last blog I said calling has everything to do with who we are and not what we do, but as I use the word calling in this blog, I am referring to those things which God has told us to embrace for a lifetime. There are three giants God continues to powerful speak to us about and the more I seek God, the more God puts these injustices at the forefront of my mind. Here they are:
1. Innocent Blood-shed
This specifically dealing with abortion. there are other things it can entail, but we believe God has called us to stand on behalf of the unborn until the scurge of abortion has come to an end. (Visit us sometime at myspace.com/bound4liferochester OR citytocity.webs.com)
2. Sexual Perversity
This specifically, but not limited to, dealing with homosexuality. I don't feel the need to go into deal on how God has put this on our heart, but one thing is true: this is a giant that has evolved so large that we need the Church to work together and pray together to see this giant shut-up.
3. Idolatry
This specifically with radical Islam. I say radical because I'm not talking about your friend who claims to be Muslim but doesn't necessarily believe all the ins and outs of her Islamic traditions. Whether you know a lot about Islam or not, between time and fate, I believe this war may come down to the battle of Christianity and Islam.
Now I tell you all that only to open up my own heart and reveal some of the things God has personally spoken to myself and to Brandon. We have embraced a 'life calling' to fight for the injustice in these areas. Whether we see change in our lifetime or not, we have embraced the cause for the glory of God....and we will not stop at any cost.
Isaiah 42 talks about the Servant, who is Christ. But we are also His servant. Because Jesus made a way for us to be reconciled to God, we now are in Christ's position. He lives in us and us in Him. In verse 4 it says, "He will faithfully bring forth justice. he will not be disheartened or crushed until He has established justice in the earth; and the coastlands will wait expectantly for His law." (Is. 42:4) This is important. Whatever you feel God has called you to, it's important to embrace it to the point of death. Meaning - whether what He calls you to comes to pass or not, you remain faithful, steadfast and undiscouraged by what you see. you do not become disheartened or crushed, but you follow through until the end. Do you have a cause as such? has God given you vision for something? Has God set your heart so on fire to see something come to pass in your lifetime? That's where I'm at. What is it that God has given you to embrace? What is your cause?

I remember a preacher once reminding me of the story of Popeye. Did you ever watch that as a kid? I loved it. My dad and I would always wrestle when I was little and when I was losing I would always pretend to eat a can of spinach in the middle of the match. After I did that, I dramatically acted out my instantaneous growing body and began to be fierce in the face. Then my dad would let me win. (i wonder if it was his way of getting me to eat the real thing.) do remember how Popeye and Bluto use to fight over Olive?Bluto was this big bully who always seem to get the eye of Olive first. But Olive's heart belonged to Popeye. And even though she would temporarily give her time to Bluto, she would always wait on Popeye to come and pursue her. But what did it take? It wasn't until Bluto began to be unjust with Olive. When he began to mis-use her and take advantage and then Popeye would say, "i can't stanz it...I can't stanz it no moe!" Then Popeye would eat his spinach and kick the crap out of Bluto. See, God says His heart belongs to us. There is so much injustice in this world, but he waits until we'll pursue Him for Him to actually give His heart over. Is there anything in your heart toward something that says "I can't stanz it...I can't stanz it no moe!" Than I encourage you to seek God concerning it! I can't stand innocent blood-shed. I can't stand sexual perversity. And i can't stand idolatry! I believe we can also make a spiritual parallel with the spinach being the Holy Spirit. Popeye would try to fight Bluto in his own strength first, but he would always fail. But God promises that if we allow Him to be our strength, nothing is impossible. Now in whatever you believe God has called you to, allow the Holy Spirit to do it in and through you.
I am the Lord. I have called you to righteousness, i will hold you by the hand and watch over you. And I will appoint you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the nations. (Is. 42:6)
The Lord will go forth like a warrior. he will arouse His zeal like a man of war. He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. he will prevail against His enemies (Is. 42:13)
This is a war. BUT GOD fights on our behalf. HE FIGHTS on OUR behalf. I think we forget that when God calls us to something (especially something that is injust) we think we fight on His behalf. I so easily forget that He does it for me and through me. If God is for you, who can be against you? I know we've heard it many times, but I think the reason we so easily forget it is because we want our justice now. We give ourselves over to the cause of Christ for a moment, but if the moment doesn't bear fruit we can see, then we give up. Remember friends, that many hearts will grow cold as this age continues. Why do they grow cold?...Because of wickedness in the earth. that tells me that God is gonna call us to things that we may never see change. But thats ok.... Be encouraged - Because God is for YOU! Embrace your call. Embrace His heart.

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