So I've recently started something new that I've probably been feeling that I
should start while I was pregnant with Arista.
If any you ma's and pa's out there are as busy as I am with three little ones then I'm sure you'll be able to relate to this post! You know you're a mother when showers are commodity, solitude is when your going to the bathroom, and sleep depravation becomes the least of your health concerns. Life demands so much in motherhood. We're the family nurse, teacher, caretaker, cleaning lady, accountant and pastor. Bored with life? Add children to the picture and guantee you'll never get bored again! But in the mist of all that life demands, when does God get HIS time? Is it that God gets put on the back-burner until the children are grown? I dunno, but if my husband decided to do that to me while he took care of the demands of life, I KNOW I would have a LARGE problem with it. But how often do we do that to God?
Simply, when God said we should pray without ceasing I think it meant that it would be as constant as breathing. We stop breathing, we die. We stop praying.....well, we die. One is physical, the other is spiritual. But just because it's simple doesn't mean it's easy. How do we get to a lifestyle where praying becomes like breathing? How do we choose to live by the Spirit and not by the flesh? I am convinced that its my morning hours with the Lord, when the sun is about to rise, that is critical to my day and my lifestyle of breathing prayers.
My voice shall You hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto You, and will look up! Psalm 5:3
What does this mean to me? It's God drawing my heart in the morning hours,
before my children awake the dawn, to draw near to Him! And there is a longing in my heart to walk with God. I know I can't be the mother God has called me to be without Him living His life through me. But I found every excuse in the book to not get up any earlier than I was. But then I came across this
mom's youtube video and was
inspired to action!
So I started getting up a couple hours before my children awake since last Monday. And apart from my Sabbath day, I've done ok. Not all days have worked out as planned but I've certainly seen fruit in my own thoughts and heart during my day, both toward God and my children. So this has inspired me even more to encourage other moms who feel this draw from the Holy Spirit to help them start as well. I'm starting an accountability group on FACEBOOK. So if you're a MOM looking for some extra inspiration in this area I encourage you to join this group! HERE we'll be able to check in during the morning hours, share about how are mornings are going, and share prayer requests with one another. Simply, its a place we can inspire one another to grow into all God has called us to be as mothers. Certainly if you are not a mother, the group is not limited to only moms. Its for ANYONE who wants the encouragement to MAXIMIZE THEIR MORNINGS, so we can consciously choose God first in our day. Let's maximize our mornings together!
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