Tuesday, June 29, 2010
something supernatural (Prayer at Moriah)
Friday, June 25, 2010
Colorado: Beauty from our Creator
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I Am Lovesick
Face to face
Closer than how Moses spoke to you
i want to touch you
feel you
even buy you roses.
For Your worth is far above anything in time or space.
For You are God.
With no shape or form
but then You created me out of Your heart
so Your image would be seen.
And how lovely You are my Love.
And i am....
.......completely in love.
i want to enter Your world
to see through Your eyes.
Come, Perfect One
and consume me,
baptize me,
love through me.
All wisdom, all understanding is Yours.
and now it's mine.
just because i love You.
Just because I've chosen to enter Your world.
And there, everyday, I have to choose to stay,
Just as You have kept all Your promises to me.
i am lovesick, my God.
The well in me can't be kept silent.
It bursts with joy,
bursts with a song
a song of love
....and revelation
You are a River and I am an olive tree
Many years i wait for your waters to bring forth my fruit
and when it comes,
oh how good it is!
It's oil is better than wine
just like your love is better than life.
And life is now worth living when I am in love.
yes, it's true
i am in love with You.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Drink it up!

Drink half your body weight in ounces :-)
Some fun water facts:
Water is the basis and essential of all life, and that includes your body. One can go quite a few days without food, but no one lasts longer than 3 to 5 days without water. Chronic dehydration is very common and it might be the root cause of many illness and diseases. Water is about 80% of an infant's weight, 70% in adults and 60% in the elder. The older we get, the less water we drink, and the more ailments we develop latter in life, all could be as simple as not drinking enough water every day.
Dehydration occurs when the body receives less water than it required. When your body is lack of water:
Why is water important to humans?
We need water not only for drinking, but also for everything else in our daily life. We need water to cook, to wash, to clean, to flush, to grow and endless other things. The earth is 70% covered with water for a reason. But there are only about 2% is fresh water. Learn to preserve and appreciate the most precious resource of life and always supply our bodies with the freshest, cleanest and most natural water. Our health and well-being depend on it.
About 70% of the bodies' weight is water. It is the very thing the body needs most. Water is accountable for many body functions. Drinking enough clean and fresh water not only improves your overall health and well-being, it may also prevent you from many ailments and sicknesses. Give your body the quality water it deserves and in turn, it will serve you with the optimal health and appearance you have always desired. For the best possible water for your health, right from the faucet, for pennies per gallon, please visit http://drinkingwatersafety.fitnessguide101.com/best-water-for-optimal-health. After all, who wants to fill 70% of their bodies' weight with impurities, toxins and chemical treated water? Resource:Ezine Articles |
Thursday, June 3, 2010
My "green" babies

Clothe isn't for everyone, but if you're looking to save on the dollar, its the way to go. Forget the old folds and pins. Now they make clothe just as easy as disposables. The only time spent will be the extra load of laundry at the end of your day. But if you're willing to take the extra 15 minutes to load your washer it could save both the waste produced in our landfills and your wallet.
- Children are much more comfortable in cloth diapers versus diapers made of plastic and paper.
- Fun colors and patterns to make diapering fun.
- 93% less likely to get diaper rash than disposables
- Disposable diapers contain Dioxin, Tributly-tin(TBT) and Sodium Polyacrylate just to name a few chemicals. While cloth diapers contain, well cloth.
- The use of disposable diapers has been scientifically linked to male infertility with young men who wore disposable diapers as babies.
- The largest organ in the human body is the skin.Cloth diapers protect your child's tender parts in ways that single-use diapers can't. Did you know that single-use diapers have up to 60 known chemicals in them?
- Your child will be doing great things for the earth from their very first day! Using cloth diapers saves trees, sensitive wildlife habitats, petroleum, landfill space and helps to reduce Global Warming! -
- By the age of three the average child will have used 8,736 diapers that are sitting in a landfill that we currently do not the decomposition time of.
- Cloth diapers can be resold or reused as rags to cut back on environmental waste.
- One child in disposable diapers will require 20 trees, 420 gallons of petroleum and generate one ton of garbage!
- It takes 20 trees to diaper one child for 2.5 years.
- It takes up to 200 years for a single-use diaper to decompose. That means every disposable diaper ever made is still in a landfill somewhere!
- It takes 2/3 cup of petroleum to produce just ONE single-use diaper!
- It’s Cheaper!
- Cloth diapering is a growing trend amongst young parents.
- Fun colors and patterns to make diapering fun.
- More convenient…That’s right More convenient! No more running to the store because you are almost out of diapers. Just throw a load of laundry in and you are all set!
- Cloth diapers are re-usable for future children just like baby clothes or a crib.
- Studies show that a child in cloth diapers will potty train 6 months to one year earlier than a child in single use diapers.Saving your family hundreds of dollars!
- Cloth diapering is easier than ever. Huge strides have been made in the past few years with cloth diapering accessories. These new accessories make cloth diapering easier and more fun then ever.
- When you use LUVABOOS, you not only benefit the global community by using a sustainable form of diapering; but, you also contribute to our local community.
Newborn size:168 diapers at .25/diaper= | $42.00 |
Size 1: 448 diapers at .22/diaper= | 98.56 |
Size 2: 490 diapers at .25/diaper= | 122.50 |
Size 3: 1920 diapers at .30/diaper= | 576.00 |
Size 4: 1095 diapers at .35/diaper= | 383.25 |
Size 5: 1825 diapers at .39/diaper= | 1642.50 |
Pull-Ups: 70 pull ups at .41/pullup= | 28.70 |
| 2893.51 |
Add disposable wipes bought in bulk: | 180.00 |
Total: | 3,073.51 |
Size Small: 24 diapers (based on 15.95 each) | $382.80 |
Size Small Inserts: 24 (range between$3.-$6. each) | 144.00 |
Size Medium: 24 | 382.80 |
Size Medium Inserts: 24 | 144.00 |
Size Large: 24 | 382.80 |
Size Large Inserts: 24 | 144.00 |
Cloth Wipes: 24 | 20.00 |
Small Wet bag for travel | 14.50 |
Pail liner | 19.99 |
Toilet/Shower Sprayer | 44.95 |
Total: | $1,683.94 |
One-Size 24 diapers (based on 18.95 each) | $454.80 |
Cloth Wipes: 24 | 20.00 |
Small Wet bag for travel | 14.50 |
Pail liner | 19.99 |
Toilet/Shower Sprayer | 44.95 |
Total: | $553.79 |

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